Paper-Roses | Proudly supporting Plastic Free Seas


It’s been in the pipeline for a while…but now I’m very happy to announce that I’ve released a set of three beautiful and poignant postcards in support of Plastic Free Seas.


What is Plastic Free Seas?

Paper-Roses | Pink dolphin

Plastic Free Seas is a Hong Kong based environmental charity that’s dedicated to changing the way we view and use plastics in our everyday lives.

Managed by a small team of wonderfully passionate people, Plastic Free Seas is devoted to rescuing our seas and oceans - they are after all the life force of our planet. The team works hard to educate people, both in schools and through corporate events, about the effects of the plastic pollution crisis on our marine environment and wildlife, and to empower us with ideas for change.


Why Plastic Free Seas?

Paper-Roses | Green turtle

OK, I’ll put it out there - maybe you’ve already guessed - I’m a nature lover! I’m lucky enough to have grown up in the English countryside and now to live in one of the most vibrant and exciting cities in the world. And one of the things I love most about it? The fact that it’s so easy to get out from between the skyscrapers and into nature, whether that’s into the rainforest or out onto the water.

But, it’s undeniable the impact that pollution and our over reliance on single use plastics is having on our surroundings. And while updated regulations are likely to be a factor in helping to end this, education is vital to bringing about the changes in attitudes needed to break our bad plastic habits…which is where organisations like Plastic Free Seas come in. It’s through their passion and perseverance that future generations will be empowered to push these changes through.


Three ways to support the fundraising campaign

Paper-Roses | Whale shark

Which is why I’m so happy to partner with Plastic Free Seas on its #stayintouchpfs and #payitforwardPFS campaigns helping to raise awareness of the effects of plastic pollution on our marine environment and the animals that live in it, as well as the ways in which we can reduce our reliance on single use plastics.

The #stayintouchpfs campaign

Purchase one set of postcards and let three friends know how you’re doing, send them a big hug and while you’re at it, let them know what you’re doing to reduce your reliance on single use plastics. Everyone loves receiving a handwritten note - especially when it doubles up as a beautiful piece of art.

The #payitforwardpfs campaign

Purchase four sets of postcards, write on one set to three different friends with your plastic reduction tip or goal (along with a little bit of love and a big smile) and include another “Pay It Forward” set of postcards for them to pass on the message to three more people.

Send your love and share your dreams in aid of Plastic Free Seas…I’m donating a portion of the sale of each set of these postcards to Plastic Free Seas. The money will be used to support its education programme in Hong Kong schools, teaching the next generation about the plastic waste crisis and empowering students with solutions to bring in waves of change.

The three watercolour paintings used to make the postcards are also available to purchase from Plastic Free Seas. Paper-Roses is donating all of the proceeds from the sale of these beautiful pieces of art to Plastic Free Seas.

Paper-Roses | Plastic Free Seas postcards

To support the great team behind Plastic Free Seas and help to bring about change through this initiative you can purchase your postcards via my online shop or through Plastic Free Seas. We don’t mind where you buy them - Plastic Free Seas will receive the same amount of money in either case ☺️.

If you’d like more information about Plastic Free Seas, please visit their website. And if you have any great tips for reducing the amount of single use plastic we use, please share them in the comments and on social media (and don’t forget to include #stayintouchPFS and #payitforwardPFS so we can all find them).